
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dear Mrs Wright

Dear Mrs Wright,

Thank you for the books that you have given to St Pius X Catholic School.

My favorite book is ‘Captain Underpants’ because the book had lots of activities and it was so fun reading ‘Captain Underpants’. St Pius X Catholic School like to read so much.

Yours sincerely,
Room 3
St Pius X Catholic School.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Typing Challenge Term 4

Today we did typing challenge and I got 34 words right before I got 28 words. I tried my best this term

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cricket Lesson

We had cricket from week 1 to week 4 in 2012 and at St Pius X School.

We had cricket training because our school wanted to play cricket.

Our couch was zid and he was from the New Zealand cricket

We had a lot of fun with zid because he taught us lots of cricket lesson.   

We learned cricket because we needed to learn some of the skills, Like batting, catching, and fielding.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Film Festival

On Wednesday 14th November st pius x school went to Silver Park to watch the film festival. The whole school went to the movies because we went to see our whole school movies on one of the biggest screen in the world.

My favourite movie from the Film Festival was Tamaki college’s Azonto dance because they went around Auckland and filmed their movie.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Duffy recount

My favorite from the duffy show is when scruffy did the Michael Jackson moves because I like dancing like Michael Jackson. But the sad but is that Michael Jackson passed away.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cinquain 2

Yummy, Delicious,
Eating, Chewing, biting,
I love eating it,  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Miss Baby

Once upon a time there was a family that was going to Hollywood. When they got to the airport they were on a rush.

Suddenly they lost the baby. Then someone came and took the baby and thought the baby was theirs. She took the baby to a different plane and the baby’s family already left on the plane to Hollywood. When the lady looked and the baby she said that baby is not hers. But the plane was going already. When the plane landed the lady started to look for the owner. She was asking the people on the plane who own’s this baby, but no one said nothing.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Food brainstorm

The Rosary

The Rosary is special because you can say the Hail Mary, The our Father, and The Glory be.
You can  take the Rosary to funerals and to be closer to God.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Term 3 Reflections

Learning Journal

Being a successful learner involves you being reflective about the learning process. It is about you identifying your strengths, weaknesses and areas you would like to improve in. Reflection just does not happen at the end of a task, it can be throughout a task.

I would now like you to take some time to answer these questions:

1. Are you pleased with how this term has gone for you? No because I want to learn my 12 times table.

2. What have you learnt this term? I learnt my 3 times table and 4 times table.

3. What have you found easy this term? Do my 3 and 4 times table because I know it now.

4. What have you found tricky / difficult this term? Doing my toondoo because it took awhile to do my soul friend book.

5. Who  / what has helped you with your learning this term? My mates was the one who helped me this term and my teacher.

6. What could you change with your learning for next term? Try and finished my work faster.

7. What are your next learning steps to make you a successful learner for next term? To put full stop and capital letters on my writing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stories of hope from the bible 2

Genesis 13:17-14 - Abram move to Hebron
The hope was that everyone will have land to live in.

Exodus 16:4-5 - The Manna and the Quails
The hope was that he will never leave them hungry.

Psalm 78:23-29 - God and his people
The hope is that God will not leave his people hungry

Daniel 6:1-26 - Daniel in the pit of lions
The hope is that God will forgive us.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Stories of Hope from the bible

Genesis 2-3 The story of Creation.

The hope was that God will create light.

Matthew 24-37-38 No one knows the day or hour.

The hope was that everything would be fine, even if things got bad.

Exodus 9-13-14 Hails

The hope is that the people will be free to worship God.

Exodus 15-22-27 Bitter water.

The hope is that God would provide fresh for them

Saturday, September 8, 2012

2 Dimensional Triangle

1. What is the name of this shape?  Right angle
Triangle ✔

2. What looks like an upside down icicle? Isosceles Triangle ✔

3. What is a Triangle where all the sides are equal? Equilateral Triangle ✔
4. What is this shape called? Ellipse ✔
5. What sort of Triangle is this?  Scalene ✔

6. What are these types of shapes also called? 2  Dimensional. ✔

7. Name 3 other 2 dimensional shapes? Ellipse, Oval, and Circle.   ✔

Thursday, September 6, 2012

X Country

Wow! St Pius X school had X Country on the 24 of August. First we had to wait for the juniors races to finish. I was cheering for my sister to run faster. I was so sad that she came second to last, but I was still happy that she just finished the race.

After the junior races it was seniors races. It started from the 13 year olds down to 9 years old. Mr Coakley ran with the 13 year olds. There were only two people who beat Mr Coakley, it was Siu and Rolland.

When it was the time for the 9 year olds race I was so happy when my teacher Miss Gleeson said “go”. Suddenly when I was coming first some people cheated and crossed the road but I didn’t care.

When I came back from the course I came third, but I was still happy that I just finished the course.

I felt very happy that I just finished the course. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sacrment Summative Assessment

raw on Tux Paint sketches of two different ways Jesus heals.    Give each sketch a label.
Finish this sentence: Jesus continues to heal people today through us.✔

Highlight what happens in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
clothing with a white garment         reading the Word of God
the washing of feet                anointing the forehead with oil✔ baptising with water ✔                   laying on of hands ✔
anointing the hands with oil ✔           the rosary

Name the 7 Sacraments:
Baptism ✔
Confirmation ✔
Eucharist ✔
Penance ✔
Anointing ✔
Holy Orders ✔
Marriage ✔

Name two ways people can participate in the celebration of the Eucharist
By singing the great amen.

Monday, August 27, 2012

St Pius X

Alter boy
Serving, Receiving, Ordained.
Loving, Caring, Kind, Humble.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Olympic torch .

The olympic torch is lit in every game of the olympics. It still stays lit even when the rain and wind comes.

The olympics torch looks bright and it is made out of copper petals which are very light to carry. It feels hot and it will burn you badly if you are NOT careful.

The olympics torch is seen in the stadium so people will know if it is lit or not lit. The olympics happens every 4 years.

What is Anointing.

The sacrament that have Anointing in them are baptism and healing of the sick.

Special oil called chrism oil and holy water are used for Anointing.

During Anointing you are being welcomed and blessed by god.

Netbok Description.

My Netbook is a mini laptop.

My Triple E.PC looks Black with a Shiny outside and plastic outside also. Sometimes when I leave my sound on my Netbook, it makes a sound the next morning. My learning tool feels smooth when I touch it.

My black Netbook is seen in my classroom and it is charged in the C.O.W at night. When it is morning tea or lunch time we leave it in our tote trays.

My learning tools helps me post my work to my blog easy and learn something new on some websites that our Teacher tells us to go onto.

When I use my learning tool I follow the rules. My Netbook is used for my work and I do my work on my Netbook always. I love having my Netbook around me.

We are some of the happiest people in New Zealand because some other schools don’t have any Netbook but our school has Netbook.

My Netbook is very good for people because we can post our work easier to the blog and we love our Netbook very, very much.

Monday, August 6, 2012


This week I have being learning about Sacrament. Our class has made a title page. This is my work that I drawn in Tux Paint. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Smart Legal

Today we looked at what is being Smart Legal.

I am Nine years old and I should not owning a Facebook accountowning bebo accountowning twitter accountowning Google account,  Downloading, taking screenshot of random photos and copy and paste others work.

We are not aloud to have a Facebook accountowning bebo accountowning twitter accountowning Google account,  Downloading, taking screenshot of random photos and copy and paste others work because we are under age and to young  and it is a viruses.   


Friday, July 27, 2012

Maths Refection week 2

Learning Intention - I learnt what is Numerator and Denominator and ordering fractions.

Me and my group learnt what is halves (1/2), quarters (1/4), thirds (1/3), and lots more.
Denominator is how many  pieces it was cut into and the Numerator is how many pieces was eaten. We went on an activity that Miss G told us and we had to order the fractions from the greatest to the lest and the lest to the greatest.
Denominator is the number in the bottom and the numerator is the number on top. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


  1.   Taekwondo is kind of karate and judo.

2. Taekwondo is a modern martial art.

3. Taekwondo love the martial way of passing on what you know.

4. Taekwondo became an official Olympic sport in Sydney 2000.

5.On 30 July 1992 Taekwondo was a demonstration sport of the 25th Olympiad in Barcelona.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Olympic 2012 presentation.

This weekend the Olympic is starting and we were researching and here what we found on the website.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

Maths Reflection Week1 Term3

Learning Intention: Our group learnt how to sequence numbers. 

We look at the numbers in the sequence and find out the rule that is being used.  For example: 22, 25, __, 31 the rule is adding 3 so the missing number is 28.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Descriptive Activity 1

In Writing we are learning about descriptive Writing. I practised thinking up descriptive words of different things

Friday, June 29, 2012

God Summative Assessment

God Summative Assessment

Write true or false next to these.....

A covenant is a beautiful song in praise of God. - True  xFalse
God promised to be the God of the People of Israel. - False xTrue
The people promised to worship and obey God. - True✔

Highlight the line with the best ending to the sentence.......

When the people failed to keep their Covenant with God (Te Atua).....
God turned away from them.
God renewed the Covenant with them again and again.

Abraham and Sarah kept the covenant with God (Te Atua).......
by following Jesus.
by obeying God and worshipping God.

Match column one with column two.
God calls people to  forgive one another✔         
God is always faithful even when people are not faithful. ✔                                                                          
People are to respond to God’s call with faith and obedience ✔
When reconciled to one another people’s tapu and mana restored ✔                                

Please complete these sentences.

To believe in God (Te Atua) means God in maori x to have faith in God.

With the help of the Holy Spirit children could build up the Kingdom or Reign of God by the power of God.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Imagination story

“Get up Simione” yelled my Mum. “Go and dig a hole for dad’s apple tree”.
“Okay Mum, I will do it when I get up”.
Mum got angry and she said to me “Hurry up before I get up and drag you out so you can do it”. So I got up and walked out of the house and went to the shed to grab my spade and start to dig. I asked myself “How long is this going to take?”

Suddenly I fell in this deep hole that took me to a world called Tonga. Once I landed. I saw the king of Tonga and he was so rich that I wanted to be like him. He said to me “Where are you from?” and I said “I am from New Zealand and I came here because I fell in this hole that I was digging, that is why I am stuck here with you”. I said to the king of Tonga “This place is a hot place, I would love a drink of water.” So king Misiotei took me to his house and gave me a drink. He said to me again “Take this crown to your place and I will know that you have it, Go now and hide it”.

I suddenly woke back up and checked that I still had the crown. I had it in my hand so I ran and hid it safely.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pigeon Impossible.

Plot: There was a man walking and his name was Walter Beckett and he was a Secret Agent. His boss gave him a suitcase that he had to give to his master so he can press the button for the rocket to go Russia so it can blow it up. When the pigeon fell inside the suitcase the pigeon started to press any button and he was shooting people with the laser gun.       

Problem: In the problem the pigeon wanted the donut so Walter gave him a piece but pigeon wanted the whole thing so he walked closer and then he fell in the suitcase and he did not know what to do. So he started to press any button  

The second problem was when Walter cucked the donut to pigeon and it landed on the button that the master had to press so the rocket went flying in the air.     

Solution: The thing that solved the problem was when Walter opened his suitcase and the donut came flying down and the pigeon went following the donut. The second one was when Walter shot his mini rocket bomb to blow up the very big rocket.

Your opinion of the story: I love this little clip because the little pigeon started to shot the laser gun on people's cars.I like this little mini clip because when the pigeon was inside the suitcase he started to shoot the people with the laser gun.

Illustration of a character doing something from the story:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

School in the past presentation.

Room3 went to Howick Historical Village to learn what was the past like in the olden days. It was fun at Howick Historical Village because we played games in a big house. I hope you like my presentation. Check this out.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Te Atua Title page


For the rest of this term we are going to be looking at God in Religious Education. God is a healer and blesses us. God is also our creator. The Maori name is Te Atua.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kowhaiwhai patterns.

We did Kowhaiwhai patterns. Reuben Paterson was the one that inspired our Teacher and our class to do this type of patterns. I enjoyed glittering my own koro art because it was fun. The thing I found difficult was when I had to paint, because I had to paint the background.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Haka Ma

This is Room 3 singing in Maori and using their vowels. Check us out.  

Friday, June 8, 2012

Orienteering Recount

On a lovely sunny day we went out and had Orienteering. We had so much fun that I could not stop playing the game. We had some teachers, their names were Mr McGivern and Miss Irene and our teacher Mrs Deeney.
First we had to had a try in the classroom. Mr McGivern picked people to go and put a paper somewhere so we can have a try at finding it in the classroom. After they did that they all came and sat down on the mat so we could get a paper. Finally we started.

When the letters were collected we had to guess what they said. It said ‘Have a nice day’. Mr McGivern told us to go and line up so he could take us to the field to play Orienteering,so we did. When we got outside and lined up Mrs Deeney said to us “Be quite”. So we did. Then we started to walk to the field. Miss Irene give us a paper that had alphabet letters on it. She said “Take your marks, get set, go”! We all started to run and run, we had to go in pairs and my partner was Misiotei and we were the last ones to finished.

The bell rang so we had to go back to the classroom and go and get our lunch, so we could eat and go play.  

Basketball facts

1) In basketball you can only have five players in the court at each time and some subs.

2) Children can join basketball when they are five years old and learn the basics and enjoy the game.

3) In basketball you can only take two steps inside the key and jump and shoot the ball in the hoop.   

4)  If you dribble the ball with two hands the ref will give the ball to the other team.

My favourite thing from my trip

This is me telling what was my favourite thing from our trip to Howick Historical Village in week 5. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Howick Historical Village

Wow! My favorite thing when I went to Howick Historical Village was when we did the Scavenger Hunt. First we went into groups. Half went with Andrew and the others went with Miss G. I was in Andrew’s group.

We started with first going into the thunderbox and newspaper was covering the walls. We then went to the tent and saw pillows and the beds and toothpaste. I said “A toothpaste is a Modern thing because they did not had toothpaste in the olden days!” We got out of the tent and went into this small house that was made out of small sticks and wood.

It was cold by then and it started to rain. That was when we got wet and we could not do something so we just ran outside in the rain and straight to the house that had number 24. I said “Hey look at that it says number 24”. then Andrew said “Lets go inside and see what is in there” so we did. “Wow!” I said “ It looks wonderful, I can’t stop looking at it, I want to live here now”. Andrew said “Simione, you can not stay here because it is only for olden days, sorry”. I said “So I can live in my own house, I’m lucky”. Andrew said “ Yes we are lucky that we live in a house because if we don’t we will not come to school and we will be poor”. We looked around for a long time and then we came back and had lunch.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tom and the Dragon

One day there was a boy called Tom. Tom asked his mum “ Can I go and play at that cave near the pier?”, his mum said “ Never ever go near that cave because there is a dragon there that will BBQ you as you can look tasty”.
Tom was walking down and he saw the dragon and he did not say anything to him until the dragon started to cry and Tom said “ Why are you crying?” the dragon said “ You are going to hurt me”. Tom said “ No I’m not going to do that to a poorly dragon am I” and the dragon said “ But my Mum said that I am not allowed to talk to people like you and humans.”

At the end they never ever became foes again.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


  • Orienteering is a sport where you have to think very much and you can play it while you have a broken arm or of your in a wheelchair. 
  • In orienteering you have to use a map when you are in primary and use a compass when you are in high school. 
  • When you are in primary we use map and at high school we still use map. 
  • At primary we run and walk around the course.

Friday, May 25, 2012

3 Symbols Holy Spirit

The dove means Peace.
The Finger of God means Peace also.
The cloud means when Jesus went up to Heaven on the could.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Reflection Term2

My favourite subject is Basketball because it is sport and I will become like a basketball player.

The hardest thing I have ever been doing was the Gloss test because I had not done hard maths like that before.

I enjoy basketball because we learn how to shoot the ball in the hoop.

Typing Challenge - Term 2

Holy spirit Week 1

Advocate - Support
Spirit of Truth

John 14:16 - Helper.
John 14:26 - Helper.
John 16:7- Helper.
John 14:7- Truth.
John 15:26- Helper
John 16:13- Truth.

Exodus 3:1-12- Fire  
Exodus 14:19-25- Water
Acts 2:1-4- Wind

The water stands for when Moses lifted his staff and the water moved to the side.
The wind stands  for when the big wind came into the room at Pentecost.
The fire stands for when God was talking to Moses from the bush.

Monday, May 7, 2012


The sun was shining in the sky and we were playing Basketball. Wow! We were playing Basketball for our first time this Term.
We played Basketball on Tuesday after morning tea at 11am. When we got to the tennis court we had two coaches and their names were Bruce and Dwayne. We played games like Dribbling relay, Dribbling cones, and Run and shoot. Also we had teams and they were called Lakers, Breakers, Giants, Power Rangers, and Bulls.
Coach Bruce said “Always bend your knees and then shoot”.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Holiday Recount

This is the boringest holiday ever this term.
I just stayed home and played games on my big brother’s netbook. One thing that I went to was the St Pius X school movies night.
At St Pius X school movie night, I ate popcorn and lollies. When the time came my favourite movie came on, it was called ‘Real Steal’. It was a fighting movie with robots that’s why it was my favourite. My favourite part came on which is the fighting part. Joseph said “it is time to go home now because it is late” and we said “But the movie has not finished’’. We had to clean up the hall first and we did.

We finished when it was 10:00pm and we were late home. When we got home my mum and dad were still awake and my brothers and sisters went to bed. Me and my mum and dad were still watching T.V.
At 12:00am. Me and my mum and dad finally went to bed

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Holy Faith Sister

The Holy Faith Sisters are holy people and help people to be faithful to others.

The Holy Faith sisters started our school because they wanted children to learn.

The Holy Faith sisters started our school in 1958.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Koru Art

The mum and dad is living in the house and the child comes back from school and lives happily ever after.

School Emblem Description

1) The cross reminds us that Jesus died on the cross for us. 2)The waves remind us that water is a symbol of healing in our baptism.
3)The top of the circle reminds us that Jesus will light our way.
4)The bottom of the circle reminds us of God's creations  

Monday, April 30, 2012

Drama Presentation

In class during Drama we have been learning to speak clearly and how to speak into a camera.  We learnt lots about this last term and here is a snippet of everyone's progress. Check me out!!!

Rm3 Simione all about you from St Pius X on Vimeo.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Easter Presentation

I made my own perfect Easter presentation on my Google Docs and it was about  my Learning of Easter. This week in Religious Education we have been learning about what Easter is. I also got to practise using my skills for making a Google Presentation.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Fruit bats can be found in almost every part of the world except where it is very, very hot or cold.

Bats live in trees, caves, mines, building, bridges, and bat houses.

Stellaluna eats mango and fruits. She eats pollen from flowers.

Stellaluna is a fruit bat and she can fly in the dark not in the day time.

Bats sleep in the daytime and when it is night time they wake up and fly around and find some food.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Term 2 Topic

This term we are looking at schools in the past, now and tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Term 1 Reflection

My favourite thing that I liked in Term1 was maths because I like to learn my times tables.

Next Term I will try my best because my dad said my report gotta be good.

Next term I will try and finish my work on time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Oktapodi is a short film that was set in Greece. Room 3 watched Oktapodi and was amazed by the graphics. Oktapodi means octopus! This morning we learned that about how to share your opinion with others. The main characters in the movie is orange octopus and a pink one.

The orange octopus thought that the man will take the pink octopus to chop her. When the man took the pink octopus away the orange octopus escaped and went after the pink octopus. When the orange octopus caught the pink octopus they both get away and then the man chased after them. After when the man caught them he let go of the both of the octopus as he accidently drove into the sea.        

My opinion of this movie is that it is cool because Oktapodi imagined the man chopping the octopus.